Our Services

Change Agent Development


Having Change Agents in Your Organization Can Take You to the Next Level

Developing strong problem solvers and teachers in your employees is the start to building your company’s future success.

Highly successful companies dedicate approximately 1% of the organization’s workforce to be change agents who are effective leaders, teachers, mentors, and coaches. They have a positive impact on the people they work with and are comfortable with a relatively high level of risk. These leaders are strong problem solvers and are able to create and apply the tools the organization needs to achieve its vision. They are excellent facilitators and modify their approach to fit the situation.

We Can Help You

We will help you identify capable change agents and develop their technical and leadership skills by working side by side
with them on the plan. We will also provide them all of our intellectual property and introduce them to peers within our network to accelerate their learning.

Identifying and Developing Effective Change Agents

THE FIRST STEP is to identify what levels of change agents are needed. That level will depend on many factors including, your vision, the existing skills in the organization, the size of your organization, etc.

THE SECOND STEP is to identify potential change agents and get them involved. We build the mindset, skills and help match the experiences needed to develop your change agents.
