When Employees Say All the Right Things…and do the wrong things
It’s Wednesday morning and you are on your way out to the factory to see how the latest improvements are sustaining. You have been thinking about this since last Friday
It’s Wednesday morning and you are on your way out to the factory to see how the latest improvements are sustaining. You have been thinking about this since last Friday
Peter Drucker wisely wrote, “Only three things happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion, and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.” Great companies are created from great leadership. What makes a great leader?
Mindsets are developed over time and they are the unwritten rules that influence behavior. What is important to understand is that leaders create the unwritten rules by their behaviors, which may
The management consulting industry can be a difficult task, it comes with its disadvantages, but the pros out weigh the cons. In my experience, over 90 percent of the Lean
No team gets to greatness without an effective coach. However leading a team takes more than just claiming to be a good coach and what is required can be more
Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing what you have always done and expecting different results.” This couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to sustaining the improvement process. 5S events
High performing processes and workplaces are always characterized by organization and cleanliness. 5S is a process for creating and maintaining a clean, safe, orderly, high performance work environment. To deploy
Kissinger, the great thinker, advisor and visionary understands a leader needs a different set of skills than an industry expert or knowledge worker. Just having the most authority or the
With so many different paths to reach 5S it can be difficult to map your journey. There is not a real ‘cookie-cutter’ answer that works for every company. However, after
As a plant manager who oversaw two distinct and rather successful Lean transformations, I’m almost ashamed to admit that I missed some pretty fundamental issues relative to 5S. With the
If your organization is like most, it only performs at its peak sporadically; in specific departments for a few hours or days at a time. Your people think and act